A mystery unsolved,
In your hands unravels
At a single touch, so
Simple. I am amazed!
Can you hear the strains
Of music? Washing over
Us. Tugging at our hearts.
Away! Let yourself go!
Not for me though, the
Intricacies of dancing.
Spirit cavorting but my
Body remains unmoved.
Look to my sweetheart!
The music moves and
Her body follows in such
Graceful gentle movements.
What a sight to behold!
Alluring! My beautiful
Darling, carried on the
Wings of music. Look!
No professional dancer
Has yet to capture my
Heart thus. The beauty
Of it a wonder. Natural!
How I wish to join her.
To abandon ourselves
Solely to the music, in
Tandem. Double the joy!
Dance for me! Dance!
For us, I pray! Show the
World what they lack.
In those sinuous moves.
A born dancer! That look
On your face as your body
Weaves a story and brings
The music to life. Pure joy!
Would that I could! But that
I can’t. Only in you, such
Desires find expression.
So unbridled and carefree.
For an audience of one. No!
Two! So privileged! Greatest
Dancer in the world that none
Else will behold sans us.
Watch! Fill your eyes, use
Your senses to appreciate.
One moment in time pass.
Another to emerge stronger.
Hold yourself back no more.
Why keep it hidden, imprisoned?
Come. Curtains up all along.
Dance and spread that joy
To all who understand and
Not. Dance! For your name