The heart, that deceitful organ,
Red muscle pumping, sending
Life blood to the lungs, carrying
Oxygen to the rest of the body.
Sneaky traitor, untrustworthy,
Constantly searching for ways
To betray, set an ambush for
The unwary, the human host.
To have someone entrenched
Within one’s heart and yet be
Continually reminded of those
Who’d left an indelible impact.
That ache, the longing, desire
For that which once was and
Now ain’t. Who was mine before,
Now to another wholly belong.
Just a glimpse, capable of stirring
Up such emotions, the strength
Of which can move me thus, the
Mind unrelentingly pondering.
What could have been? Or
Even should have. That
Which might have been done
Differently. Alter the outcome.
He’s long attached, his heart
Given totally to another. No
Contact, keep my distance.
Beware his fiancée’s wrath!
Wedding bells tolling near, soon
He will walk the aisle with bride
Newly wed. To life together. I to
Watch from afar only forever.
Why do you ache, my heart. It
Can never be. To another he’ll
Be bound. No chance for you.
Hush now, don’t cry. There’s
Your partner waiting for you
With open arms and gentle love.