Shackles forged by our mind’s hands
Fastened by values drummed into us
Hold us just out of reach of our heart’s desire.
Muddied and soiled wings useless
By our sides hang, straining dejected
Such waste. A pity. Earth is not our home.
Can we shake off our chains? Free
Ourselves from pointless imprisonment
Soar and dance where we belong. You and
I, hands touching. Together, let us dance!
A dream? What a beautiful fantasy! Rouse
Yourself! Awaken! Nothing has changed.
Still she stays just beyond my reach. Longing.
Why do I stay here? Captive of my own beliefs!
Reluctant! Rebellious heart, aching wounded.
Strength now, be brave O heart of mine. Courage!
Yet one morning I wake and the chains
Are gone! My heart beats erratically at her
Presence. My love! So close, I can feel her breath
As I hold her tight in my arms. Naked. Touching.
How flitting this moment. Here now, gone
Next! Again the manacles chaff me and my
Love is just out of reach. Be that only a dream?
Memories so strong! I can feel the brush of
Her fingers, the feel of her lips against
Mine. Her hands wrapped firmly around my heart.
There she is, far in the distance, untouchable!
Unbound yet way beyond me. Return
To me my love. I feel her sorrow, pain.
But she doesn’t hear, I have locked myself away.
Hiding now. Turned in upon myself.
Wrapping the pain around like a cloak.
The extent of my loss! To mourn it thus!
Stand tall once more, fetters rattling still.
Shield firmly in place, the hurt secreted
Deep within. Her again just beyond my grasp.
And so it goes. Imprisonment sapping
Energy. I must be strong, strong. Be
Here for her always. She needs me
Still, still. If I should break free, to lose her.
Struggling now, days past eroding resolution.
Straining, striving, testing, seeking, always
Pushing our limits. Just a fingertip away, brushing.
Electricity leaping between our outstretched
Hands. Filling us both, surging forth. Achieve
Contact! Ecstasy! Sense of completeness, One.
A burst of light! Ashes around us, chains
Lie! Liberty! Spreading forth our wings, caught
Up in each other, soaring above in our mating
Flight. Twirling, dancing amongst the stars. Heart
To heart, flesh to flesh cleave and we are!
Let the world now testify to our love!
Such testament that none has seen!
Taunting society, disregarding values!
Pure in flight, feathers glistening white.
Side by side watching the future
Approaching and our doom there awaits.
Fear not now! Be brave! We’ll be strong!
Let us face our destiny without trepidation!
If death, let it attempt to conquer. If
Separation, let our love hold true. Judgment be.
Worry, away from us! Conscience, be
Silent! Take not our present joy from us!
Just this moment to be content. Kissing.
Gazing into her eyes, captured by her
Beauty, blazing bright! Amazed, this
Treasure be mine. Wholly mine. My love.
Watching her flight alongside me, I’m in
Awe absolute. Captivated by sight so
Tantalising, unable to drag my gaze from
Her form. She has stolen my heart utterly.
Our dance of love, heart fluttering,
Bodies moving in harmony, skin upon
Skin, every touch stimulating urgent hunger.
Shifting now, lips brushing, teasing,
Tongues flicking between, playing, entwined.
Nibbling gently on her neck. Exhilarating.
Hands uninhibited roam, exploring every
Part. Bringing pleasure indescribable. Tongues
Licking, moving. Suckling. Intense wonder.
Our bodies opening up and letting each other in.
Fly on now. Enjoy the moment for what
It is. How long it will last, we know not.
Tomorrow may see our destruction
Or maybe we’ll live to savour another
Moment in each other’s arms. Secure, safe
And contented. Completely defiant. Laughing.
Every day we have each other, we count
Our blessings. Daily I bask in her proximity.
If only the moment could last for eternity.
That we may continue our flight uninterrupted.
Yet all good things must come to an end.
If only it did not include what we have
Together. When end it does, will we survive?
To contemplate life without you is
Unbearable to me. Losing you a
Disaster completely destroying my world.
Why must something so beautiful be
Wrong. To be certain that it cannot last.
To fear being alone again with nary a
Soul to share our heartbeat and our life?
Screaming my defiance at heaven above.
Will You take my Joy away from me too?
Condemn me to a life of downright
Loneliness. Emptiness. A hollow shell
Devoid of emotions and thoughts. A robot
Without a heart, that which died with losing her.