Twenty four years a-wandering
With nary a place to call home.
People flitting round like beautiful butterflies
Pausing awhile to share their minute warmth.
One heartbeat, two, and off they go again.
Scaling mountain peaks admiring the rising sun,
Trudging through valleys deep darkened with mist.
Always through life’s corridors alone struggle,
Longing for a companion along at hand
Soothe one’s hurts; sate one’s needs; feel LOVE.
Exude love, butterflies flit near, leeching warmth
Leaving behind empty and cold a hollow shell.
Sorrow and love intertwined,
Inseparable one from the other.
Blessed the one unending love to share.
In absolute anguish, a wordless cry,
Broken heart inability to mend, shedding tears dry.
A comforting warmth, a gentle touch, a sudden light,
Cold, pain and darkness disperse.
His arrival, presence, agape love, Me.
Loving hands gently caress, that once broken made whole,
Strong arms enfold, holding me close, Safe.
Tears, wiped away; hurts, smothered by love;
Every thought, desire, affect unspoken comprehension.
Whisper carried on the wind, a promise silent, never to leave.
Strength for my weakness, wisdom for my folly,
Riches for my poverty, abundance for my lack.
Counsellor, Best friend, Abba Father, Intimate Lover.
Without whom, life would be a meaningless drag.
Yet, His promise always, eternal, everlasting, His forever.
Man though, wretched creature that thou art,
Impossible to please, heart strangely deceitful.
Love so pure, unadulterated thoroughly undeserved,
At no cost and in a little while deigned to spurn.
Scorning His sacrificial love for physical touch, Lust.
Dancing with butterflies, twirling, whirling, searching,
Unnoticed, He watches with great sorrow, ready with open arms.
Oblivious, we dance, basking in the inconsequential
Love of first one then another,
Til with wound-ridden heart, we seek shelter in His arms once again.
Ere the glue has dried on our oft-abused heart,
Off we go again with nary a word of thanks.
The dance continues as we seek to attract attention,
Clinging fast to those who fall into our traps, draining for sustenance,
While patiently He who is forgotten waits.
Still do we learn along journey’s path.
Where first we grab and keep the prettiest butterflies,
Soon do we realise beauty is more than appearance,
Holding on forcibly causes only damage and death.
Thus do we discover life’s little mysteries.
Wiser now, we observe as we trudge on, those who
Seek us out and lighten our steps, who
Bring joy to our hearts and laughter to our days, who
Are there when we need a helping hand.
Those who leave an indelible impact in our life.
Yet does imperfection interfere time and again.
Those to be treasured do from our lives disappear,
Misunderstandings at times do drive a wedge ‘twixt which
None but the strongest self-sacrificial relationships
Could not only endure but intensify in strength.
We age, continuously welcoming the new,
Bidding farewell to the old. Friendships numerous
Forged, in time broken, and those untainted still.
Through life’s obstacles pass we always,
Faces change, people change but for the One who is Eternal.
Older now and infinitely astute,
With contrite heart into His presence I enter once more.
Humbly before Him bow, ashamed of my willfulness,
Intensely aware of how my actions have caused Him hurt.
Afraid to lose His presence, which had brought me through all.
The touch of a radiant smile beaming,
Joy encompassing me fully as I look up into His eyes.
Seeing neither reproach nor anger but unfathomable love.
Drawing me into His warm embrace, I am forever content.
The search is at an end, He who has been there from the beginning.