It was a decision hard thought
Yet never regretted.
A choice wrought with difficulty
But one that had to be made.
Perhaps something inconceivable,
That those previously interested in
The opposite gender should turn
Completely around in the opposite
Direction for love.
A moment of folly? Nay, it should be
Termed a flash of clarity, where
Everything falls into place, clicking,
Just so right though to others it can
Only seem so wrong.
That conclusion was only the beginning
And not the end. The start of a tumultuous
Journey with ups and downs, not smooth
Sailing as anyone naïve enough to believe
Love is a bed of roses.
I cannot begin to explain or proclaim just
How much I love you. The question “How
Much do you love me?” has no answer. I
Have never given my life for you, nor
Performed any miraculous feat.
Words alone will never do justice to that
Which I feel. No one before has ever touched
Me the way you do, melt my heart and
Make me so incomplete without you in my
Life to keep me company.
If given a choice, I would keep you beside
Me forever. Every touch, every word you
Utter, your soft lips when we kiss. The look
In your eyes so full of love. Your tender
Caring and concern.
No one else can ever replace you. I doubt
They would even try. Whoever was in the
Past, will remain in the past and none others
Will cross my path in the future. I know my
Place is with you.
There is nothing I would like better than to
Build a future with you. To plan our lives
Together, a house, car, pets. Decide on a
Country in which to settle down, perhaps
Another to retire in.
Perhaps the future is uncertain and many
More trials and tribulations yet to come.
Bring them on, say I. What need have I to
Fear? We will get by just fine. Learning
And growing as a couple.
A promise I made, with all intention to
Keep. To love you forever and never
Leave. The decision once made will
Remain, come hell or high water. That
Is called Conviction!
I can imagine us growing old together. When
We are both old and can hardly see what we
Are doing, only to bump noses when we kiss
Or end up landing a peck on some uncharted
Territory unintended.
Both of us shriveled and wrinkled, caresses
No longer on that smooth soft skin. Grinning
At each other with nary a teeth in sight but
A gummy smile, lacking not a whit of love or
Warmth of that with teeth.
The thought of us gumming each other while
Caught in the throes of passion could only
Bring a smile to my lips. And if either of us
Were to become slightly senile in our old
Age, imagine the fun!
This is my conviction, such is my determination
That it should be so. My will is bent to the task
Never to waver from its ultimate goal. To be with
You until the powers that be draw us apart, to be
Reunited in His arms.
This is my conviction, regardless of what others
Should think. That is their problem and none of
Mine. The rest of my life to be spent with you,
In sickness or in health, in poverty or in wealth
And dang if even death cannot separate us!