Standing at the brink, balanced
Gingerly at the edge of the cliff.
Staring certain death face on. Yet,
My heart continues to beat and I
Am calm. Fear nowhere near.
Why are you not concerned, O
Heart of mine? Quicken your beats,
Call forth adrenaline that I may
Survive! To live another day. Yes,
Let me witness just one more sunrise.
Suspended above the void, an
Experience long familiar. Relaxed,
Comfortable. Having been snatched
From Death’s jaws many a times,
Nothing bothers me anymore.
Reckless in my knowledge, throwing
Caution to the four winds. Rebellious,
I challenge. Gauntlet tossed at the
Feet of Life. Not a weapon I possess
As I stand my ground and wait.
The adversary appears on the horizon,
Menacing, deadly while I stand facing
Him with my back to the cliff.
Casual, no worries. What chance
Pitiful Mortal I unarmed?
Drawing nearer, sunlight glinting
On well-cast armour, on large
Wonderfully crafted sword. Still
I stand, foolishly, ill-prepared.
Neither shield nor helm.
Infinitely close now, almost within
Touch, the enemy charges at me
But I make no move to defend myself,
Not evading, no retreating. Either to
Fall or to be impaled thus.
The audience screams for me,
Articulating that which I do not
Feel. Defend yourself! Get away!
Yet I am not afraid. The point of
The sword biting deep.
Pain roaring through me, I stagger
And step back on thin air. Unsupported,
To plunge down. Pain! Lancing pain.
Agony, to feel oneself expiring. Ecstasy!
To be finally rid of the world!
Just before I pass from the world, a
Presence. My descent slows, stops.
Lifted, gently set down on solid
Ground! Wounds closing, mending,
Healing and the door closes.
Back at the precipice I stand, weary,
Covered in scars, new and old. Waiting.
The world around me exposed in its
Entirety. Disillusioned, cynical that I am.
Screaming my anguish, I defy!
Ever-elusive portal, my only means of
Absconding this desolate prison that
Drains me continually, leeching strength.
Death making an appearance once again
And I do not fear my deliverance.