The stars in their sockets mightily shine
Yet pale they in comparison with you!
The sun in its glory cannot help but envy
Your dazzling glow obliterating all else.
Gazing into your eyes, I can’t help but marvel
At their exquisite beauty, conveying more,
So much more than words can ever express.
Drawing me in, I surrender willingly – drowning.
Having you close by my side with the barest
Contact, gives me a warm tingling feel all
Over. Such is my contentment as snugly we
Fit, two bits of a puzzle – now made whole.
Fingers intertwined, arms linked as we lean
Into each other, hands casually reaffirming the
Claim of one on the other. Running over familiar
Territory, declaring irrefutably as one’s possession.
Arms perched comfortably over shoulders,
Around waists. Gently stroking feminine
Curves. The intimate gestures, playful teasing,
Filling one’s hands with sensitive flesh.
I love the weight of your head on my shoulder,
Pillowed on my breasts, resting on the soft
Adipose tissue of my tummy. Watching your peaceful
Slumber, secure with nary a worry lining your face.
When our lips touch, gentle, chaste, with eyes
Closed, the look of absolute bliss on your
Face, I drink in, a spreading warmth in my
Heart to be able to make you thus satisfied.
The sound of your voice, every nuance, every
Inflection, be it over the line or traveling
Through the air to gently kiss my ear,
Never ceases to bring a smile to my lips.
When you deign to grace me with your
Presence, precious diamond that you are.
Lovely princess of the constellations, how you
Shine, filling my heart and soul with light blinding!
To keep that smile upon your face, witness
The sparkle in your eyes, feel your laughter
Tickling my ears, observe your innocently
Carefree repose, I’ll do everything I can.
Even just to be an angel watching over you,
Constantly protecting, always loving. Should
The day come when you leave me for another,
So long as true joy be yours, I’ll be content in
Knowing that the most beautiful star I’ve ever
Seen, shines still… And not only in my dreams.