What ache is this that I feel?
This deep dull ache that refuses to go away
But gets worse as the time goes by
What great ache is this?
What sorrow so unbearable?
Such sorrow that neither tears can ease
Nor any language known by man can express
What deep sorrow is this?
What feeling grips me so?
Such feeling that I know not whether
To cry or laugh. Instead, anguished imprisonment
What strange feeling is this?
What now could it be that I’m going through?
Know you not the sorrow of true love unfulfilled
Or the anguish of seeing the one you love follow another
Ah! Is that the phenomenon we term heartbreak!
The sound of one’s heart shattering into a million pieces
Soundless yet sufficient to make one grit one’s teeth
Such deep sorrow it sucks away one’s will to live or breathe
An inexplicable feeling that makes one think they would go insane
What ache
What sorrow
What feeling
Oh the ache and sorrow that I’m going through
Bitter Bitter
Bitter am I
Like a worm that would never ever see the sun
Yet everyday hoping and desiring the warmth and light
A hopeless dream
A useless hope
A mindless desire
Culminating into a most wretched person that is me!