Night, that which invites our souls out for play,
That speaks to our innermost and frees us from
The chains. Of propriety, of responsibility,
That which moulds us into conformity with society!
Lure of darkest night, moon above does shine,
Wolf in me bursts forth, a mournful howl arising.
Passions, emotions curbed in brightest day spilled
Overflowing into the inferno that consumes completely!
Smouldering now, straining at the reins, your close
Proximity an endless fuel. Constantly feeding my
Passion now gone rogue. Nearer now, hotter; warmer
Now, drawing me closer. Physically, til we touch…
Souls intertwined, merging, seamless, boundaries
Permanently breached. Holding hands now,
A physical conduit through which wordless communication
Flows unceasingly so too the fuel fanning flames.
Every touch, gentle, comforting, sensual, teasing.
Every look, adoring, loving, inviting, challenging.
Every action an opportunity for intimacy,
Every thought an ardour inspired fantasy.
To be thus lost is a fearful thing. To lose oneself
A frightful experience. Yet am I lost in you,
Totally. Why then am I not terrified? Instead,
Joy and contentment abounding and I am lost!
Nowhere else would I rather be!
Nothing else would I rather do!
Just to be with you, to see your smile!
Just to hold you close and lose myself!
In your arms, all else fade into oblivion!
What matters that the world is passing us by?
When I look into your eyes, all is right in my world!
Locked in embrace, essence of life between our lips.
Glossy with lip balm, full and alluring, a taste!
Strawberry, a probing tentative lick. More!
Can’t get enough! Hungry urgent lips seeking.
Quiet my heart, do not pound so! Calm, calm!
Alone now together in the restroom, abandonment!
Ardent fervour! Stoked passion; blaze consuming all logic!
Lost now, one in the other. Hands searching, groping,
Running over each other. Lips seeking heat, locking on
Target, sucking it in, drinking in flesh. Pleasure!
Touch inciting, provocative, the key to the door. Floodgates
Now open, physical desire and need gushing forth, drowning
Out the clamour of the world until only the two of us
Remain, bathed in the glow of unrestrained ardour!
Pity our surroundings then, that they were not more
Conducive. As like we were to sate our appetites
Upon each other, the outer world in limbo stay
Awaiting our pleasure. Absolute submission!
Frustrated yearning, unable to melt into each other,
Thus must we separate, the ravenous beasts to tame
And keep caged until opportunity should again
Arise in tandem with accommodating circumstances.
Why this mutual attraction? Simple lust, physical
Appeal? Physical lacking soul and mind
Is but bestial hunger. Hankering with our entirety
However transcends basic carnal relations.
Yet must two come together in holy matrimony,
A means, necessity through which we populate
The earth? Too shallow, delve deeper. A
Completeness that two may become one.
A union of the physical as well as the spiritual.
Mysterious, the melding of souls achieved only in
Copulation carried out with love. Sacred thus for
Two to surpass its sum unto perfection in completion.
Souls having cavorted with each other, in
Essence can never be distinctly divorced.
Forever hence to carry each a part of the other,
To recognise themselves and bemoan their loss.
Having dwelt thus within each other, though of the
Same persuasion be we, yet forever changed, having
Been whole. You in my heart and I in yours. Sharing
Lives, each a part. Together or apart, evermore
Linked, greater than the summation of its parts!