Darkness gathering, like a plague,
Enfolding, engulfing all in its path;
Sadness descending, like thick mist,
Heavily weighing on one’s soul.
The bright noon sun strangely subdued,
Seemingly draped in dark mourning swath.
Unnatural silence reigns in the world,
A moment of silence observed long.
I was dying and the world mourned my passing.
Darkness ruled and the sun did not shine
Sadness abounded, the silence driving me insane.
I was dying and the world mourned my passing.
I was dying and the world mourned my passing.
Out of stifling darkness, a stab of light blinding
Out of maddening silence, a heavenly choir singing.
I was dead and the angels rejoiced at my coming!
Darkness dispelled and the sun beamed down at me,
The sunrays caressed my skin and gave me warmth.
Sadness lay shattered, the fragments of some dark mirror,
Childish giggles fill my ears and I break forth in songs of joy!
Dead, I am not, though dying I was but a moment ago.
Not bodily but spiritually, mentally and emotionally,
Greater the anguish than physical I was put through!
I’m not dead, now no longer dying, but bursting with life!
The world is still in mourning but it mourns not for me,
It is mourning the state of disrepair and anguish it’s in.
All around still, an eternity of silence observed,
For those fallen and who will fall that will never see the light again.