‘Ere before you came,
My world was but a dark
Void. Empty, unable to
Sustain any form of life.
In that darkness, colour
Held no form and all was
in black and white, dreary
And completely dull, dead.
A walking corpse ’twas I,
Shambling zombie, empty
Shell. Devoid of affect,
Only thoughts automaton.
Life and love, forgotten
Words I had despaired ever
Feeling in my life again,
Resigned to living death.
Joy had no place where I
Languished. Sun refused
To shine, stars perpetually
Hidden by thunderous clouds.
Storm after natural disaster
Scouring the landscape over
And over yet it matters not,
There’s nothing to destroy.
Day by day so passes it by,
Life goes on and so do I.
Yet a surprise around the
Corner lies awaiting hence.
To gain so do I thus die.
Once out of the way, life
Buds from death. Love a
Seed rejuvenated, rekindled.
From the brink of despair,
A ray of light shines forth.
Into that dreary world, a
Figure strides forth boldly.
Every step a drop of life,
Flowers springing into being
From her footprints and her
Presence a glow brighter.
No sun graces my world still
But what need I for it, in
The light she brings, it can
Only bow and conceded defeat.
What once did lie dead radiates
Vitality, life. An empty shell
Vacant no longer, an occupant
Much changed from previously.
You showed me that life could
Exist after death, love in a
Stone heart beats strongly
Still, your first gift to me.
Joy once again roams rampant
On the plains with laughter
Never far behind as hand in
Hand we explore our paradise.
The fallen knight reinstated,
The disgraced prince restored,
Rain reviving long-dried seed,
Old gelding winning the derby.
Hark! Hear my cry, a trumpet
Call. I stand once again at
The pinnacle of my life, by
My side my heart beats close.
Weakness it may seem, yet
Such strength be it, scorn
It at your own peril. Who
Dares will fall at my sword.
Respect her for she be mine
And I forever hers. One not
Without the other. Together
A force to be reckoned with.
Everyday I am thankful, your
Presence at my side a constant
Reminder the revolution you
Wrought in my life. Kick-start
My heart, bring me back from death.
Thank you my sweet, precious mine.