When I look into your eyes, what will I see?
Will I see my love mirrored back at me?
Your eyes are the windows to your soul.
When you look into my eyes, I hope that you’ll know,
How much I love you and that it’s pure as snow.
My eyes are the windows to my soul.
Forever and eternal, as long as I shall draw breath,
You’ll be the only one I shall call my love, til death.
From now til eternity, let me hold your hand.
Every intimate moment that we share,
Is a testament.
All our joy, sorrow, tears and laughter
Building an everlasting monument.
When was it last that I told you how much I loved you,
How much you mean to me?
I’ve expressed it a million and one times, that it’ll always be!
If the sun doesn’t shine tomorrow and we can no longer
Be together again,
I’m not sure that I’ll ever be certain of your feelings towards
Me, could it be disdain?
That love could be repaid by other than love,
And you could be so unmoved by all that I’ve done
For you. Unmercifully stunned!
If I had been drawn by your looks,
I could have contented myself that you were of shady character.
If I had fallen for your charms,
I could convince myself that I’ve been bewitched.
Pity then that it is none of the above, but your inner
Being, drawing me near and never letting me go.
Your cruelty is but your honesty that you would not
Thus mislead me. And thus, it is so.