Sound of water constant
Never-changing background
Feel the cool cold air
Caressing naked flesh
Thunder following through
Lightning splitting all
Cringe, cower, hide, cry
I’m here, it’s alright
Come shelter in my arms
Nothing will harm you
While I still shield
My duty, you to protect
Look! Tis harmless water
See! Yon lightning is far
Hear! Thunder is but sound
Feel! Physical solidity mine
Hand in hand, we’ll stand
Against the storm, naught
To fear. Together we shall
Conquer all, world at our feet
Confront it, who’s trembling
Now? Gutless bully run not,
Seekest thou to threaten mine
Sweet? Stay, feel my wrath!
Flee! Coward art thou, tail
Between thy legs. Your turn
It be to behold that which
Thou dost fear. Begone!
My sweet doth smile once more
That which warms mine heart
Here cometh the rainbow bright
A promise forever, long as I
Be by your side. Everything